
School’s Catalog (Website)
Gainful Employment (Website)
State Rules and Regulations
School’s Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy (Website)
School’s Curriculum and course outline
Annual Campus Security Report (Website)
3 Year Crime Statistics Report (Website)
School’s Completion Rate (Website)
School’s Licensure Rate (Website)
School’s Job Placement Rate (Website)
Physical Demands of the Profession
Safety Requirements of the Profession
Compensation a Graduate Can Reasonably Expect
Licensure Requirements for the Jurisdiction in Which the School Is Located
Title IX information
Violence Against Women Act
Internship Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Voters Registration information and form
You will receive this information during registration or you can view the information on our website.
This is a pre-registration for Larry’s Barber College. Fill out the form below and someone from our office will call you to complete the registration and to discuss your payment options. Make sure you click on the financial aid tab to see if you qualify for financial aid for our 10456 S Halsted location, 79th Street location, Joliet. Rockford FINANCIAL AID COMING SOON. Payment Options: VA benefits if you are a Veteran, Cash Payments, Credit Cards and Scholarships to those who qualify.